Wellness and Mental Health Apps
COPE - A new program designed for UCSF faculty, staff and trainees to provide additional support to our valued colleagues who are experiencing anxiety, stress and distress related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on their work and family life.
Mid-Day Meditation
Please join Amy Hephner, MPH, every Wednesday from 12:30 to 1 p.m. for weekly online mindfulness meditation sessions. Sessions may include a mindfulness topic, reflection, meditation or mindful movement. Each session is different and does not require experience or prior attendance. If possible, find a quieter space when joining. Join on Zoom here (https://ucsf.zoom.us/j/514447417). Additional Zoom details: Meeting ID: 514 447 417. US dial-in phone number: 669-900-6833
Family Life
UCSF Life (One UCSF. Hundreds of Resources)
Staff Life
COVID-19 Guidance for Employees
Campus Life Services - Wellness and Community
Transportation Shuttle Route and Schedule